I am learning to reverse subtraction problems to make them addition to help me find the answer.
I thing that I did great on my work. and them only three step. step one you have to change into an addition. Step 2 you use a number line to add to a tidy number, step 3 highlight added numbers and add.
53 - 27 = ?
27 + ? = 53
+ 3 = 30
+ 10 = 40
+ 10 = 50
+ 3 = 53
3 + 10 + 10 + 3 = 26.
So the answer to 53 - 27 = 26
Awesome blog Summer keep up the good work.
From Warren.
Summer, I like the way you have used the strategy of reversing to solve a subtraction problem. You could also use this place value strategy - BUT remember NOT to expand BOTH sides. Only the right hand side.
53 - 27
Expand 27 into 20+7
53 - 20 = 33 - take the tens number off first.
33 - 7 - now take the ones number off - you break this up into 3 which is the ones in 33 and 4 which is the bond 3+4 = 7
33 - 3 = 30
30 - 4 = 26
This method is better as it can get confusing when you expand BOTH sides.
Miss H
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